These powerful herbs and mushrooms are known to help the body adapt to stress and restore balance. If you’ve been curious about what’s behind this wellness buzzword, here’s a quick guide to some of the most popular adaptogens you’re likely to see in herbal tinctures, canned beverages, botanical-based skincare, and the like.
Known for its calming properties, ashwagandha has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce stress, support adrenal health, and promote restful sleep. Studies suggest it may also improve physical performance and cognitive function, all of which are reasons we include it in our Energy Ginseng and Get Up + Go Go herbal tonics.
Often referred to as “nature’s energy booster,” rhodiola, or rhodiola rosea, is thought to combat fatigue and enhance mental clarity. It’s particularly useful during periods of high physical or mental stress. Because those tend to be times where we turn to less-than-ideal snack options, Rhodiola is part of our Calm the Crave formula.
Native to the Andes, maca is renowned for its energy-enhancing and hormone-balancing properties. It’s often used to support stamina, mood, and even libido, hence why it’s in Energy Ginseng, Get Up + Go Go, and fan-favorite smoothies including the Flax Master, Chocolate Supreme, and Lean + Green.
The “mushroom of immortality,” reishi is considered a powerhouse for immune support. It’s also known for its calming effects, making it a popular choice for managing stress and improving sleep quality. We love to get a dose of it with the Rockstar.
Holy Basil
Holy Basil is revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to reduce anxiety and support respiratory health. It’s often used to enhance overall vitality and balance, although it’s important to check out any potential contraindications.
Cordyceps are known for supporting energy, stamina, and athletic performance by improving oxygen utilization — hence why they’re a favorite among endurance athletes.
Lion’s Mane
Best known for its potential cognitive benefits, Lion’s Mane is a mushroom linked to improved memory, focus, and overall brain health. It’s even being studied for its neuroprotective properties.
A classic adaptogen in both traditional Chinese and Korean medicine, ginseng is prized for boosting energy, strengthening the immune system, and improving focus. We love ginseng so much, we even made an entire herbal tonic around it.
Schisandra Berry
Often called a “five-flavor fruit” for its complex taste, schisandra is used to boost endurance, support liver health, and promote mental clarity. It’s got a well-earned spot in our Get Up + Go Go herbal tonic.
Tongkat Ali
Often referred to as "Malaysian Ginseng," Tongkat Ali is traditionally used to enhance energy, boost testosterone levels, and support overall vitality. Emerging studies suggest its potential in reducing stress and improving mood. Find it in Energy Ginseng.