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Do I Really Need to Eat Protein Right After a Workout?

Allow us to do some myth-busting.

There’s a lot of chatter about the best time to refuel after your workout. Specifically, the idea of an “anabolic window” — a short post-workout period where your body is primed to absorb nutrients — has been a hot topic in fitness circles for years. But is it really necessary to down protein immediately after exercise?

Your Body After a Workout

When you exercise, especially during strength training or high-intensity workouts, you create small tears in your muscle fibers. This isn’t a bad thing; it’s actually how muscles grow stronger. But to repair and rebuild, your body needs protein, specifically the amino acids it contains.

The Science Behind Timing

While it’s true that your body’s ability to repair muscle and synthesize protein is heightened after exercise, the so-called “anabolic window” may not be as short as once believed, at least for a younger crowd. According to a 2018 review in Frontiers in Nutrition, consuming protein within two hours of your workout is generally sufficient for most healthy, young people, showing little-to-no difference in the muscular results. 

However, when it comes to seniors, timing can be a bit more impactful. Doctors say that consuming protein right after exercise is actually more beneficial to older folks as their bodies can better target it to their muscles.  

The amount of protein you need post-workout depends on your body weight and activity level. 

How Much Protein Do You Need?

The amount of protein you need post-workout depends on your body weight and activity level. A good rule of thumb is to aim for 20-30 grams of high-quality protein, which is roughly equivalent to:

How to Get It In

We have a few ideas in mind for those looking to optimize their schedules, and with it, their protein intakes. 

  • Order your smoothie ahead. This one is a no-brainer for us. We’re big fans of finishing our cool down with a good ol’ scroll through the Earthbar app and placing the order for pick up. That way, the post-workout protein fix is ready and waiting for us. 
  • Keep an emergency snack on hand. Sh*t happens, and sometimes the perfect smoothie is out of the question. It’s not a bad call to keep a couple of protein-rich snacks in the glove compartment or in the purse; Barebells protein bars and meat sticks are two favorites. 

Meal prep. We have a love-hate relationship with prepping meals ahead of time. Of course, it’s a drag to do, and depending on the food, it’s a far way away from a gourmet meal. That being said, having some key meal ingredients — salmon fillets, brown rice, rotisserie chicken — all ready in the fridge gives you some flexibility to customize your meals to your cravings in the moment.

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